Infinitum Finis Design

Website Deployment

2020-04-20 // Robin // 4 minutes

This insight highlights the deployment for publishing new content onto my website. At first the prerequisites will be shown and after that the steps for pushing new content onto the server.


The following programs are required:

  • Git
  • Zola
  • Apache

Git is used to track changes for the complete zola directory, for the content but also for the asset directories (template, static, etc). The git setup is a classical client-server setup, the client is my laptop and the server is hosted in a data center somewhere on the planet.

Zola Insights

2020-04-15 // Robin // 1 minutes

In this post I am going to show you how I have build this site with Zola. The template folder is organized as followed:


The core file is of course the index.html file. The other files only extend the index file and add other functionalities. The "page-static.html" file is intended for single sites, like an "About" or "Legal" page.


I will start with the index.html as this is the core template.

Goodbye Drupal, Welcome Zola

2020-03-30 // Robin // 2 minutes

Welcome to the newly designed website for Infinitum Finis Design. It took some time but it is finally here. The redesign for Infinitum Finis Design is now using Zola, which is a Static-Site-Generator (SSG) written in Rust. Before Zola I used Drupal 7 and 8, but the work to maintain and update it, was too much. I also had the feeling, that I could not easily change the templates in Drupal 8.


Hiking Tour from Spitzingsee to Tegernsee

2019-09-20 // Robin // 2 minutes

From 14. to 15. September 2019 we made a hike tour from Spitzingsee to Tegernsee.

Day 1: From Spitzingsee to Gufferthütte

We took the train to Neuhaus and from there the bus up to Spitzingsee. Unfortunately the train and the bus were so crowded, that we had to wait for one hour to get another bus which took us up to the lake. Therefore we started relative late at ca. 11:30 AM the tour to the Erzherzog-Johann-Klause, with an estimated duration of 2:37h. We crossed the beatutiful Valeppalm and walked along the river Brandenberger Ache.